Baan Thai Spa 2021

Baan Thai Spa would like to inform all our friends and clients, that our spa adheres to the new government regulations for public health.

For the safety of every customer, we would like to inform you what has changed.

* We have installed ozone disinfection systems (used in hospitals and clinics). We will disinfect the air with ozone,during the day and the closed premises before opening and after closing the spa every day.

* Every towel that is used in the salon will be sterilised.

* After customers leave the room, we will clean and sanitise surfaces with alcohol.

* Customers will have their temperature checked before entering the premises and before a massage. It must be under 37.3 degrees.

* Therapists will all wear masks . Our aprons a will be single use and changed with every new customer to provide full higiene.

* Customers must wear face masks during treatments.

* Appointment ONLY!!

* Customers will be in a private room.

With every change, we hope to maximise the benefits for our customers, as well as your safety, so you can relax and enjoy our treatments with complete tranquility. everyone stay safe!!! 💪🏻💪🏻

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Kookai / 2012

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Por Kookai 7 de mayo de 2021
Señales de que necesitas un masaje 1. Estás estresado 😰 2. No estás durmiendo lo suficiente 😴 3. Tiene dolor de cuello, hombro, cadera o espalda 4. Estás poniendo estrés adicional en tu cuerpo 5. Te duelen los músculos 6. Sufres dolores de cabeza regulares 7. Te sientes deprimido 8. No has tenido uno en más de un mes.
Por Kookai 2 de abril de 2021
Oferta especial de abril para celebrar las vacaciones de Pascua🐰Una combinación Baan Thai Spa comenzando con un masaje💆 de piedras calientes tailandesas para activar tu cuero y tu mente seguido de nuestro especial Coconut Organic Oil Massage🥥
Por Kookai 18 de marzo de 2021
Hazte hoy con un cheque regalo al 15% de descuento😲haz feliz a papá 👨‍👧‍👦 con cualquiera de nuestros masajes de 60m💆
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