Reflexología Podal

Our feet, which bear the weight of the whole body, allow locomotion and do a lot of work. Still, they are the least pampered part of the body. To pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, a daily foot massage for a few minutes is good option.

A regular foot massage along with reflexology helps in promoting physiological as well as physical health. Foot reflexology is an “acupressure therapy” that involves applying focused pressure to specific energy points present in the soles to cure or prevent disease. It helps establish a state of deep relaxation enabling your body to heal itself and work more effectively.

Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different organs and glands. Remember that human foot is an evolutionary marvel, capable of handling hundreds of tons of force and your weight in motion.

It has 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints, 250,000 sweat glands and at least 50 ligaments and tendons—plus almost 15,000 nerve endings!
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Kookai / 2012

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Por Kookai 14 de mayo de 2021
Muy buenas previsiones turísticas para este año. Reserva con antelación para asegurarte el día y hora deseado. +34676038458 (preferible mensajería whatshapp en nuestras comunicaciones)
Por Kookai 7 de mayo de 2021
Señales de que necesitas un masaje 1. Estás estresado 😰 2. No estás durmiendo lo suficiente 😴 3. Tiene dolor de cuello, hombro, cadera o espalda 4. Estás poniendo estrés adicional en tu cuerpo 5. Te duelen los músculos 6. Sufres dolores de cabeza regulares 7. Te sientes deprimido 8. No has tenido uno en más de un mes.
Por Kookai 2 de abril de 2021
Oferta especial de abril para celebrar las vacaciones de Pascua🐰Una combinación Baan Thai Spa comenzando con un masaje💆 de piedras calientes tailandesas para activar tu cuero y tu mente seguido de nuestro especial Coconut Organic Oil Massage🥥
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